3 Types Of Churchgoers

As we all know This is the last sunday of the.month of august 2015
In church, there are many types of people who
attend. There are also many reasons why they
attend church.
The three different types of churchgoers are,
1. Hypocrites:
Hypocrites are those who come to church and claim
to be a Christian, but when they go home its a
different story. They usually come to church about
twice a week. In church, you usually can find them
sitting all over the church. During praise and
worship you can find them praising the Lord and
praying as if they where passionate churchgoers. In
church hypocrites are some of the best Christian
you would ever see. It is just when they go home is
where things go wrong. Hypocrites are a crazy
bunch of churchgoers, but they are a big part of the
2. Only Sunday:
Then there are those who only come on Sunday.
They are usually force to come to church by parents
or someone with power over them. In church they
can be found sitting anywhere from the front to the
back of the church depending on their age. During
praise and worship you can usually find most of
them sitting down or sleeping. They also love
coming to church when there is a meal after service.
Even though they might come once a month they
are still a part of the church.
3. Passionate Churchgoers:
Passionate churchgoers are the heart and soul of all
churches. These are the most active members of the
church. They love to come to church. They can be
found in church just everyday sitting from the front
to the middle rows. Passionate churchgoers know
just about everybody in the church. During praise
and worship you usually can find them clapping
their hands and having a good time. They usually
hang around after church and fellowship with
So which category do u fall in?
I will like to hear your suggestion by hitting the
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